The Candidate, Herman Cain
Political & Moral Thoughts
by B.D. Adams
Yep ... the title makes for some interesting pillow-talk ... uh, issues. This particular election year fiasco ... uh, debates ... have opened some smelly cans of worms!
To begin with, Herman Cain thought ... actually thought ... he could run a candidacy for the presidency of these United States on the backs of ... sorry, on his experience making pizzas. Dear readers ... the guy isn’t even Italian ... what does he know about pizzas or Italians. He has demonstrated that he couldn’t pass Fifth Grade geography (remember, he didn’t know where Libya was *sigh*)When all these white women started prancing out of his closets, we can only imagine how long it will take for Gloria to get one of those fancy divorce attorney’s to fix her husband. If she stays with that jerk, she is either the biggest fool or will be up for sainthood! Also, what the hey has he told his sons about how to handle women?! I can only imagine.
And, as usual, Herman keeps denying “all these unfounded accusations” by all these “disturbed women!” Come on, Herman ... you only chose the disturbed women to play with?!
I don’t know. I mean I’ve been around the block a few times ... I’ve been sexually active and not too bad looking in my younger days, but Hermie, baby ... you must be hung like a horse to pursue the women the way you have! Because pal, you ain’t that good looking!
Are the other candidates without sin? Who knows! However, the others have managed to look more ... credible. People are actually looking at Newt now! *cringe* The others seem to be waiting until they are elected ... if they get that far ... to show they are womanizers, sexual harassers and want a particular race, creed or sex to float their boat.
Mr. Cain ... in the future, be a bit more discreet if you want to run for a big political position (forget about Michelle ... she’s taller than you). The public does read and believes what they read or hear. Also, get some continuing education about current events, geography and work on your memory. An interviewing CNN reporter is not a good place to not know the reporter’s name.