Dream Memories
Dream Memory
Adams ©2014A dream can be short or several minutes to hours, according to Google, depending on the kind of dream or the person. Therefore, there is no rhyme nor reason for the length.
I dreamed profusely! I always felt complete when I dreamed. The mark of an artist’s mind, so to speak.
When I was in the hospital with the stroke, I didn’t dream. Not at all! I brought this up to my doctor (physical medicine doctor, not a neurologist), who only suggested that I just didn’t remember my dreams. I wanted to differ with her, but … hey … I was the patient with a stroked brain.
I really believed the medications prescribed to me caused the lack of dreams or their remembrance. And, after I was out of the hospital, I began to dream again and remember my dreams, until I would start a new medication.
Oh, well … c’est la vie.
Do I remember all my dreams? No, not all of them. However, I always knew when I had dreamed.
One set of dreams/nightmares I have dealt with was not being able to lock a door or to turn on a light. There is someone after me, but I am unable to see the person or protect myself. It’s been a while since I’ve had that memory and it was before the stroke.
I had had dreams that I could fly, until I was in my 40s. In those dreams, I would awake so rested, so happy. The only dilemma I’d have was that I couldn’t fly above the high-tension/ electric wires!
In one of those dreams, I was finally able to fly above the wires! At one point, I was afraid I’d go into outer-space, which I didn’t. This one flying dream was an extremely weird dream in my early 20s. And, I had it only once.
In the dream, I was able to go above the electric wires, I just flew over farmlands and rivers and forests. Of course, it was nighttime, but I could see. The moon might have been full. It was so cool.
I had no idea how far I had gone, but I hovered over a big building, possibly a barn, where I heard several voices, loud voices. I landed, perched near an opened window at the roof. I went more inside to better see and hear. There were only men, young and old, seated and stood on the building’s floor. There were a few young men seated on a balcony near where I was. They had a few rifles.
I didn’t realize I was not invisible. One of the young men looked around and saw me. He said loudly about an intruder, a woman! Many of the older men scampered up the ladder to attack me. They yelled that I shouldn’t be there!
I was able to make it out of the window, where I had entered.
Several men went outside and saw that I was flying above them. One man fired at me with his rifle.
“Demon! Demon!” a few yelled.
I immediately, flew quickly away!
I really don’t know if I had an “out-of-body”
experience, but it sure seemed real that night.
weird dream memory.